Women, we have a giant loom in our heads that is constantly going, whether we're taking a shower, eating dinner, going for a jog, or simply enjoying a popsicle. Whirr, Whirr, Whirr. I like to picture our looms like the giant one used in the movie WANTED. Only we aren't twisting our threads to discover future assinations, we are weaving every element, encounter, or event of our lives together to make sense of the world. We women, in general, are ALWAYS thinking about something, whether inane or important, that may or may not be related to the task at hand. We are making to-do lists, reminding ourselves to call people back, pondering what exactly our boss meant when she laughed, smiling at the wonderous plot of the book we're reading, cursing ourselves for eating that chocolate cake last night. Whirr. We are constructing snarky retorts incase our co-workers bother us again, we are planning how to drop 15 pounds in a month, we are sighing at the loads of laundry waiting to be done. Whirr. We are thinking of ways to show our love to our families, brainstorming ideas of how to get that new job, and worst of all, pressuring ourselves to be superwomen. Whirr. Our looms are what make us women. There is something, however, that I have discovered: I AM THE MASTER OF MY LOOM.
Whirr Whirr Whirr Goes the Loom
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
A few months ago, I decided in the constant whirr to commit to working out three days a week at 5 am. I was faithful to go most every time, but I started noticing something as I hit the alarm at 4:50... my mind would instantly race into action. My loom weaved around things that I needed to accomplish in the day, foods that I needed to avoid, people that I needed to contact, etc. I became like an instant pressure cooker. I decided that this was unhealthy, and I began to do something I have noticed men can do: become a like a waffle full of empty squares and think about nothing. This was a magical new land filled with nothing. I loved it. I didn't have to plan anything or think about the gloriously skinny women working out around me. I could just enjoy working out.
Ladies everywhere, I invite you to be the masters of your looms today. Grab that shuttle like the delicious James McAvoy does in WANTED and then kick everyone else's asses. Ok, you don't have to really do that, just go into waffle-land and savor the sweet stillness of nothing.
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