EsChewing Snickers

I have been noting Snickers' latest ad campaign, which generally involves the word "chewing" in a not-t0-subtle manner. There's one particular advertisement within the campaign that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me. First, I saw the sign: "Get dunked on by Patrick Chewing." Although I am a basketball fan, I could not understand what Patrick Ewing had to do with Snickers. Did he eat Snickers before playing with the big leather pumpkin? Can he dunk because he eats Snickers? Would eating Snickers bring Patrick Ewing into my life? Why would I want a seven-foot sweaty giant dunking on me??? How did this relate to eating Snickers?

Then, I saw the commercial. I thought, "Finally, I'm going to get some answers! Now it will all make sense!" As I watched the commercial, fearing to blink that I may miss the one bit that would bring the campaign together, I realized the harsh reality: there IS no point. Basically, the advertisers are saying that if I eat a snickers, Patrick Ewing will dunk on me, which will undoubtedly throw me to the floor in an oozing puddle of his sweat. How does this make me want to eat Snickers?? Friends, all of you must run away in fear of all Snickers bars. If you must ingest them, try doing it in your closet. Stuff them in your mouth while in the bathroom stall. Better yet, gorge yourself on them in Saddam's old hiding place. Whatever you do, DO NOT eat them standing under a basketball hoop raised to standard height. Otherwise, you may end up eating sweaty nougat with a slight concussion. Be chewsy.


Christina Duron July 20, 2009 at 4:42 PM  

hmmmm I didnt get the commercial either. I literally turned to Mark when I saw it and asked him to explain it to me because I felt dumb and thank goodness I realized it's not just me!!hehe!!

Misc. Redhead July 20, 2009 at 10:04 PM  

I saw a Wacocentric one the other day. Don't remember what it said or where it was, but I'll do some research via car and report back. Pretty sure it was stupid, too. It is Wacocentric after all.

About the Blogger

Beeki recently graduated with an M.F.A. in Directing and has plans to conquer the world starting in Nashville, Tennessee. Her husband and two dogs provide much fodder for her random thoughts, as does her proclivity for trying to make sense of this farcical universe. Beeki finds humor in the small things, which should make this the most senseless blog ever. Enjoy!