Greetings! I am starting a new blog here. I have to be honest: I hate writing. It is one of my least favorite things to do, which is funny considering that I just finished three grueling years working on my master's degree that ended in a 120+ page thesis. I figure, however, that now I can write my musings in a laid-back manner, and that hopefully no one is going to grade them! I want this blog to be a place where I can be honest, ridiculous, and painfully random. Come join me on this farcical journey. I promise that you will always be amused and that in general you will feel better about yourself like when you watch Jerry Springer shows. It will be like Candyland on acid dipped in sprinkles filled with sass rolled in confusion with a dash of intellectualism. On fire.
Great. Now I won't have any good material for my blog...
Suck it, Baker. Mama's takin' her show on the road.
Or you could post conflicting accounts of events and see which of you your friends trust more.
Oh, I like a little competition!!
Oh, I WILL be grading this blog!
Nooooo! Well, as long as I get stickers sometimes. ;)
You just THINK no one will be grading them...muahahaha...
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